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Saturday, October 19, 2013

How to Get Skinny Fast and Easy - Top 3 Weight Loss Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)!

If you are looking to lose weight quickly and easily, you need to see results fast. The last thing you want is to fall prey to one of the three most common dieting and weight loss mistakes. See if these sound familiar to you and find out exactly how to avoid them so that you can get skinny quickly, no fail:

1) Obsessing over the numbers. When you set out to get thinner through dieting, your weight will naturally fluctuate dramatically over the course of a given month, week, and even day. People who set a goal weight and obsess about how close they are to reaching it every single day or even more than once a day put themselves at risk of burn out and debilitating discouragement.

Instead, check your progress once a week at the same day and time. Focus more on changes in your body and in the way you feel rather than how much you weigh, which in the end is just an arbitrary number.

2) Setting unrealistic goals. Too many people set out to lose impossible amounts of weight in a dangerously short amount of time. Know that your weight loss needs to be permanent - you do not want to be worrying about this for the rest of your life. Unrealistic goals do not address your real weight issues and failing to achieve them sets you back further than where you started.

Choose a goal that you can manage to achieve and make it a monthly goal. At the end of each week, reassess your progress towards your goal and make adjustments if necessary. Your main drive should be to do everything you set out to do to meet your goals, not the actual end result itself. It will come naturally as you keep yourself on track.

3) Following too strict a diet. If you really want to lose weight, you need to follow a diet that you can actually stick to. Falling off the diet and gaining back the weight you lost will only discourage you from trying again. Losing weight is surprisingly simple, but you have to find a strategic plan that works for you.

For More Related Topics Blog: Quick Diet Plans To Lose Weight Fast

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