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Monday, October 7, 2013

Choosing the Right Type of Food For Your Weight Loss Goals

Fast food, take out, and processed food are full of fat and generally do not contain the nutritional elements necessary to facilitate weight loss or even just good health. The saying "you are what you eat" comes to mind when I see overweight people eating unhealthy food.

A typical McDonald's meal, burger, fries, and soda, come to an astounding 1,100 calories. That is nearly a total day's allotment of calories for the typical 140 pounds women trying to lose weight. Choosing the right type of food is imperative to achieving your goal of weight loss.

The first step is to avoid eating out whenever possible. Learning to plan your meals ahead of time at home will go a long way in fueling your body with the correct type of food but also will reduce the burden on your wallet. Set aside about fifteen minutes once a week to take an inventory of your kitchen and to plan your meals for the rest of the week.

Here is an example of a week's worth of meals:


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